Curriculum vitae
Work experience
- March 2023 to September 2022: Research Associate
- Université Paris 1, Centre d’Èconomie de la Sorbonne
- February 2019 to February 2022: Research Assistant
- Management Center Innsbruck, Department of Business & Management
- Supervisor: FH-Prof. PD Dr. Thomas Stöckl
- June 2019: Research Assistant
- University of Innsbruck, Department of Public Finance
- June 2018 to September 2019: Student Assistant
- University of Innsbruck, Department of Public Finance, Department of Banking and Finance, and Department of Economics
- February 2016 to April 2016: Internship
- Deutsche Börse Group, Group Risk Monitoring, Eschborn, Germany
Fields of interest
- Microeconomics
- Behavioural economics
- Experiemental economics
- Information economics
Work in progress
2023 ESA World Meeting of the Economic Science Association
Conference presentation at Université Lyon, Lyon, France
13th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics
Conference presentation at Faculté d'Économie - Université Montpellier, Montpellier, France
PSE summer school 2022
Workshop presentation at Paris School of Economics, France
Regulation Research Conference 2022
Conference presentation at University of Regensburg, Germany
36th Workshop of the Austrian Working Group on Banking & Finance
Conference presentation at Institute of Banking and Finance, University of Graz, Austria
11th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics
Conference presentation at Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France
2021 ESA Global Online Around-the-Clock Meeting of the Economic Science Association
Conference presentation at ESA, virtual conference
Experimental Finance Conference 2021 of the Society for Experimental Finance
Conference presentation at Department of Banking and Finance, University of Innsbruck, Austria
35th Workshop of the Austrian Working Group on Banking & Finance
Conference presentation at Institute of Banking and Finance, University of Graz, Austria
Grants and Awards
IT Skills
- R
- Stata
- Matlab
- Python
- Mathematica