
PhD in Economics

Graduated on 2023-01-21 00:00:00 +0100 at the University of Innsbruck

Thesis title: "Detection and regulation of informed trading in experimental asset markets" supervised by Univ.-Prof. DDr. Jürgen Huber and FH-Prof. PD DR. Thomas Stöckl

Master in Applied Economics

Graduated on 2019-10-07 00:00:00 +0200 at the University of Innsbruck

Thesis title: "Competition among advisers" supervised by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Walzl

Bachelor in Economics and Management

Graduated on 2016-03-16 00:00:00 +0100 at the University of Bozen

Thesis title: "Bilateral exchange rate DKK: The Danish Krone as a safe haven currency" supervised by Prof. Dr. Alex Weissensteiner